PDF Merger Splitter v. PDF Merger Splitter allow you to Merge and split PDF files with ease.Both GUI and command line modes are supported. WinFax Merger v.2.2 WinFax Merger is a FREE WinFax multiple-page fax merger, able to combine/merge your separate multiple-page WinFax fxd fxr fxs files into single multiple-page fxm fax files in batches automatically.PDF Splitter And Merger v. PDF Splitter and Merger is efficient software elaborated for splitting a single pdf file in to several small single or multiple page files customized by user and merging various different pdf files into single file containing all information & data.You can then send, store, record, carry, upload, view, or play them. Universal File Splitter & Merger v.1.2 Universal File Splitter & Merger is a powerful, friendly and easy tool that helps you to split and merge any kind of files.With the merge wizard you can seamlessly add watermarks or fade a logo onto multiple images in a single batch process. EXE to merge, blend and combine multiple images together. EXE v.1.0.11 Resurrect boring images to a stunning new look using Image Merger. To protect your original files, the results of the join will be saved as a new EPUB file. This software will stack files up and down in any order that you specify. Join Multiple EPUB Files Into One Software v.7.0 This software offers a solution to users who want to join many EPUB files together.